25 November 2009

Smith Nobody - Think of Complaining

An attempt to force myself back into the swing. Random Album cover.
Smith Nobody
Think of Complaining

18 August 2009

RunningMan Industries; Heart 2 Heart Women's

Here's the first Women's Skirt and Top duo designed for RMI;
The original pencil sketch.
And some color sketches.
(oh yes, and http://www.runningmanindustries.com has been purchased.)

22 June 2009

Saint Bresson - No Matter How Slow

I didn't really like the last one... not that this is the best, but...
Saint Bresson
No Matter How Slow

21 June 2009

Saint Bresson - No Matter How Slow

I was bored again. Now that I've finished... I still don't like it. Maybe I should change the red in the band name...
Saint Bresson
No Matter How Slow

Seabird Shirt 2

Here is another SeaBird Shirt... Already been posted.
Vote for me!

26 May 2009

Seabird shirt

So, I'm entering a t-shirt design contest for a band; Band name: Seabird.

11 March 2009

List of State Leaders; Invincible Summer

So I'm pretty sure I'm feeling some sort of techno whosit or whatnot; Therefore: Hot Pink.
List of State Leaders
Invincible Summer

08 March 2009

555; The Nakedness of Her Need

Since there's a conflict about the cliche of the eyes and the genre.

here's one with 'Ochre' eyes.

and one where I did nothing to focus specifically on the eyes. ('as is')
What genre's do these merit?

06 March 2009

Five 5 Five; The Nakedness of Her Need

I was initially disappointed by the face as my 'random' image; but overall; I'm glad with what I've come up with.
Five 5 Five (555-actually)
The Nakedness of Her Need

Running Man Industries In a Can

I have this really awesome can that used to hold my chocolate wafer stick things... It's so very awesome that I decided I needed to use it for my own personal packaging design thing. All I came up with for my initial rough was to use it with my Running Man Industries line. And so far; it's kept with the identity of that. Yay! So there's t-Shirt in a can; General sizes/colors, Women's wear; Women's sizes/colors, Men's wear; Men's sizes/colors, and Accessories (Sunglasses etc.); Shoe colors. I think I can use the colors for the shoes sizes on my accessories cans because I'm not putting shoes in cans. They're not big enough. About 3 1/2in. diameter, and 7.5 tall ish.

04 March 2009

Sergei; What They Secretly Want To Do

This one was fun. Teehee. Silhouette. Creepy, No?
What They Secretly Want To Do

Victorian Premier; Paths to Knowledge

I have the day off with nothing to do; So it's 'random design' album covers. All done quickly without too much thought. La la la.
Victorian Premier
Paths to Knowledge

03 March 2009

Hardline Disambiguation; How Come I Don't Feel Anything Now?

#6 Need I say more? (probably)
Hardline Disambiguation
How Come I Don't Feel Anything Now?

My Favorite Girl; You Never Look Back

I just wanted to do one today; No one new posted the links.
My Favorite Girl
You Never Look Back

02 March 2009

849 In Poetry; This Brings Your Talents to Light

The fourth installment of my 'random design' album covers. I do one each time I see that someone I know has posted the links to do them again.
849 In Poetry
This Brings Your Talents to Light

01 March 2009

Ionotropic Effect; You'll See Why

I'm pretty sure this second one is pretty poo-y.
Ionotropic Effect
You'll See Why

Xar; Anything Rather Than Eachother

This was the first of the 'random design' album covers. 5 min.
Anything Rather Than Eachother

Psycholagny; I Try to Laugh

This is actually the third 'random design' album cover. And I decided to add to the image.
I Try to Laugh