24 October 2012

Origami Flowers DIY 1

I will most likely be making my own paper flowers for our 8-bit Cocktail Party. The other day I took some time to see what I could make and made some. I took step by step photos of what I did do. I don't recall where I found the tutorials to make them, but here they are: 

First I got started by Cutting out several 3in by 3in squares, you'll need 5.

Take one of the squares to work with.

Fold that paper in half point to point, making a triangular shape

Fold the corners up to the top corner

Fold these flaps back over the other way, so that the edges are even to the outside edge.

Open up flaps you just made, and pull the folds open so that it looks like this

Fold the single corners sicking up, down so that they are even with the outer edge

Fold the creases shut

fold and glue the flaps like this

Repeat this with 4 more square of paper. I clipped mine so that the glue would hold as it dried

Glue each of the 5 "Petals" together at their centers.